Nature Prince Albert Meetings
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at Sask. Polytechnic 1100 15th St. E. Prince Albert, Room F211 @ 7:00 pm. Use north entrance. Parking available in
Lot C, Student & Visitor Parking. Inquiries may be directed to Gwen Klebeck by email at or phone 306-922-6298.
Presentation by retired ecologist and active naturalist, Dale Hjertaas: ‘Through the Seasons at Olson Place’
A shared love of nature and gardening led Dale and Paule Hjertaas to work to attract nature to their yard. Through more than 35 years at their Regina home, they have learned and planted to increase biodiversity in their yard, while also having places for children to play and for growing food. Using Paule’s outstanding photography, Dale will take you through the seasons at Olson Place.
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